All About Me Collage


My collage in my all about me I would say is a great representation of me. I love music I always have to have it, it’s like a part of me. I love all kinds of music when it comes to genres, I love R&B, Hip-hop, Alternative, etc. I truly could go on for days when it comes to music. Other than that, in my family we love sports. So, my favorite teams range from laker, dodgers, golden knights, and many more.

I am also a big sweets person and cafe person. I love sweets and bread even though it’s pretty bad for you, but I love it. A lot of people in my classes know me for always having a Starbucks with me mostly every day. But this year I dialed down because adding all that up is all a lot of money. Also, I am a huge fan of spicy food and could have it for days even though that’s not good for you either. Other than that, my favorite show is greys anatomy, my favorite car brand is a Mercedes, and I love Christmas.


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