Angles assignment

1/30 sec; f/16; ISO, 6400; Manual

1/30 sec; f/16; ISO, 6400; Manual

1/30 sec; f/16; ISO, 6400; Manual


5 Kinds angle of view in photography - Risphotograph

Different angles of pictures show different things. They could make something look bigger or smaller. A lot of a photo is what angle the photo is taken at. Photography can be shot at plenty of angles. But as you see here in this picture it is shot from a below view angle. Which makes the object being photographed look way big. So that where angles come in a lot to enhance a photo. Also, the exposure of the photo is what helps make the photo better. Photography isn’t something everyone could do. You have to do a lot to get the perfect photograph. I think in my photos things that make it stand out is the red. Also, the difference of the angles and the way it makes it look. They have a different look every way I took the picture. So, it is something you have to focus on and have patience with.

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