Lighting Is Everything- I feel like the lighting helps affect the vibrance of the photo and how the object or person looks. It definitely enhances the picture.

It’s All in the Details- Little things do matter no matter if its in the editing stage or in the actual shot.

Sometimes Auto Is Exactly What Is Needed- Sometimes I feel like we aren’t able to perfect our settings and auto definitely does come in handy in that moment.

Be Someone Else for a While- I feel like when you see outside of your box and think of another person’s perspective it could help the shot.

Zen and the Art of Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO- All this matters because it truly does create the shot.

It’s Hard to Be Interesting- Sometimes being creative is hard because there is so much out there but anything a person does could be creative because its how they see it and come up with it.

Eyes Are the Prize- The eyes are definitely a huge part of the camera, and they always say eyes tell a story, so this is true.

Experiment and Play- Trying out things and going out of your comfort zone sometimes widens your creativity when shooting.

Learn By Adjusting- Everything needs adjustment so getting it the first time doesn’t always happen but you’ll get it as you go for sure.

Live! – Enjoying your time while shooting is the most important time and not just seeing it as a job enjoy it while you can because we only are here for a certain period of time.

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